
Our DNA is written in Swift

SpeakerClock 1.3.0

I’ve been busy since I completely rewrote SpeakerClock in SwiftUI. That was version 1.2.0.

The App Store provides a concept called Universal Purchase, which is where purchasing an app on one device also unlocks it on all other supported platforms. In the previous version I added a Mac version. This update now adds the AppleTV version. Still a minor update, because the functionality is identical, yet all three versions benefit from improvements.

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Rewriting SpeakerClock in SwiftUI

When I started out developing iOS apps, 11 years ago I put several apps on the App Store. Since they became fewer and fewer as the income from them didn’t warrant updating them. Amongst those my most successful one was iWoman, which I sold in 2015. My second-most-valuable (in terms of revenue) remained my beloved SpeakerClock, the last app standing.

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DTCoreText 1.6.26

This is a maintenance release mostly fixing build issues.

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DTFoundation 1.7.18

This is a maintenance release fixing mostly build issues.

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BarCodeKit 1.3.3

Apparently I made a mistake in the previous release forgetting to include several commits mentioned in the release notes. It only took about 3 years for somebody to notice.

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Some Statistics for Starters

As a hobby, I am working on a SwiftUI app on the side. It allows me to keep track of height and weight of my daughters and plot them on charts that allow me to see how “normal” my offspring are developing.

I’ve shied away from statistics at university, so it took me so time to research a few things to solve an issue I was having. Let me share how I worked towards a solution to this statistical problem. May you find it as instructive as I did.

Note: If you find any error of thought or fact in this article, please let me know on Twitter, so that I can understand what caused it.

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Kvitto 1.0.5

Following the previous release, I received word that Apple had added a new kind of sales receipt which is used for IAP testing. This release adds support for those.

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Adding Swift Package Manager Support – Part 2

In the previous post I looked at some of the history of how we packaged up our library code for use by our fellow developers. We looked at some of the benefits of static libraries versus dynamic frameworks which also come with headers needed by the integrator.

Now let’s dive into the steps that were necessary for me to enable SPM support on the first few libraries DTCoreText, DTFoundation and Kvitto. It took me several days to iron out all the kinks and I’d love to share with you what I learned in the process.

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Adding Swift Package Manager Support – Part 1

As of Xcode 12, Apple has matured Swift Package Manger to a degree where it makes sense to add support for Swift packages to your libraries. There are still a few stumbling stones on the path which have no obvious solution. So I figure, I’d share with you how I got around them when I recently added SPM support to DTCoreText, DTFoundation and Kvitto.

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Kvitto 1.0.4

Kvitto is an open source component that lets you parse Apple sales receipt files, for example to determine if the user has an active auto-renewing subscription on device.

This new release fixes an urgent issue that appeared the first time on September 24th, in iOS 14, where about half the sales receipts could not be parsed. I also added support for Swift Package Manager 2 weeks ago and had forgotten to announce the release, so there you go.

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