
Our DNA is written in Swift

DTCoreText 1.6.25

This goes hand-in-hand with the latest update to DTFoundation, which added support for Swift Package Manager.


  • FIXED: URLs containing CJK characters are not parsed
  • FIXED: iOS 13 openURL crash
  • FIXED: References to deprecated classes
  • FIXED: Cannot parse CSS with empty font-family
  • FIXED: iOS 14 warnings
  • NEW: Swift Package Manager Support

This update has been tagged on GitHub and is available via CocoaPods.

DTFoundation 1.7.15

User nostradani contributed support for Swift Package Manager. I don’t even know his/her full name, but by the looks of things this was a hell of a lot of work.

Honestly I haven’t even looked adding SPM-support to my frameworks yet, but I hear that if you have resources in your framework project you have to wait until Swift 5.3. anyway. DTFoundation doesn’t, so I am glad somebody stepped up and did the work.

But in a SwiftUI app of mine I am referencing two Swift packages. It is quite convenient having this be integrated into Xcode.

The new version is tagged on GitHub and also available on Cocoapods.

SwiftUI: Laziness of List Interferes with Selection and Presentation of Detail

iOS 14 introduces some laziness in certain views, like for example there are now lazy variants of HStack and VStack. I’ve been working on a SwiftUI-version of an app of mine and the findings of my research for these bugs led me to believe that Apple added some lazy optimisations to Lists as well.

Unfortunately those optimisations seem to be breaking selection and presentation of detail views to a degree that they would be show stoppers for any universal app relying on List and its automatic promotion to being a split view on iPad.

I filed this as FB8521674 in the Apple Feedback App.

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Old and New

I know, I know, I cannot seem to find any time to reasonably blog about my life as developer. Nevertheless here are a few tidbits of late.

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DTCoreText 1.6.23

Hot on the heels of the previous maintenance release, which was only 3 Months ago, this one was required because Apple no longer allows Apps to contain references to UIWebView.

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DTFoundation 1.7.14

Several recent pull requests, as well as an acute deprecation of UIWebView made it necessary to push out this maintenance update. Even more so, because this framework is a dependency of DTCoreText which also needs an update.

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DTCoreText 1.6.22

The previous release was almost 2 years ago, and several people requested this one, so I finally got around to doing it.

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Mac Mini 2018 as Build Server

I’ve long had a longing to have a Mac Mini as build server in my technics room. After Apple finally updated it to (now) fashionable space grey, it was a must purchase for my company.

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Regression: CGImageSource doesn’t render background image of certain PDFs

This is a curious bug in Mohave, which is causing some headache for a client of ours who is relying on this functionality in their production work flow, but since this is broken in Mohave they cannot use machines they have already upgraded for this.

And before you ask why we didn’t report this earlier, as there were several months between WWDC and now… well, we didn’t use Mohave in production and it didn’t occur to us that something that was working before could be broken in a nice and shine new macOS version… 🙂

Filed in OpenRadar and under rdar://45338633. Due to the proprietary nature of the sample PDF, I didn’t post that to my Radar samples repo.

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BarCodeKit 1.3.2

This new release of BarCodeKit fixes an issue with iOS-compatibility and several new warnings pointed out by Xcode 9.4.

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