This is an enhancement request that came to me when pondering how to execute code following the dismissal of a modal view controller. It’s filed as rdar://17915792 and on Open Radar.
Category Archive for ‘Bug Reports’ 
Siri: Support “Countdown” synonymously with “Timer” in German
This has been bothering me ever since I switched my Siri to German. Now, finally, I radar’d it as rdar://17722963 and on Open Radar. Maybe then it finally has a chance to be fixed, eventually.
Radar: Ranging of iBeacons might fail if beacon is emitted on same device
This problem was encountered by me while research for chapter 7 of my book. Apparently other developers have encountered it as well as you can see from several questions on Stack Overflow:
- iOS 7 Ranging beacons: Sometimes ranging is Unavailable, and the only solution is reboot the device
- locationManager:rangingBeaconsDidFailForRegion:withError: kCLErrorDomain 16
- iBeacon: didRangeBeacons stops getting called, must reset device for it to work again
So I am filing this as a dupe hoping for it to be fixed in iOS 8. Or if not, that it will become more visible to Apple.
Filed as rdar://17003408 and on Open Radar.
Radar: Monitoring CLRegion immediately after removing one fails
This gotcha became apparent to me while putting together the sample app for the seventh and last chapter of my book. There I am monitoring for the 10 regions from a plist which are closest to the user. I was removing all monitored regions and re-added the 10 I am interested in. To update the state I called the requestStateForRegion: but didn’t get a state update. Instead the monitoring failed with error code 5. Fortunately a workaround is possible.
Submitted as rdar://16986842 and to OpenRadar.
Radar: Search Bar jumps around and disappears
iOS 8 might be around the corner and things like this are probably fixed. Still, that does not mean you shouldn’t file your grievences. On this Radar Apple is getting two bug reports for the price of one.
Filed as rdar://16938543 and on Open Radar.
Radar: Support testing of region monitoring in Simulator
A bit of an annoyance when trying to implement geographic region monitoring.
Filed as enhancement request as rdar://16924908 and on Open Radar.
Radar: Add global prototype cells
If you like storyboards you might be wanting to use them for larger apps too. But there is source of frustration for us developers. If you have prototype cells that are identical on multiple table view controllers you cannot easily copy them. I filed a feature suggestion for adding global prototype cells.
Filed as rdar://16754279 and on Open Radar.
Radar: AV Foundation wastes energy processing Audio even if not captured
For my book I wanted to see if there is a way to see the performance impact of various settings. So I launched the Energy Diagnostics instrument for the first time. I was not able to conclusively demonstrate the impact of any capture setting, but I did see something odd. Even though my barcode scanner sample app does not have any need for audio data AV Foundation appears to insist on capturing and processing it.
As the energy diagnostics performance instrument indicates, this causes energy usage for “Audio Processing” even though for the purpose of scanning barcodes audio is not needed. In the least developers should be able to indicate to iOS that they have no use for audio processing so that the system can conserve this energy.
This bug report is filed as rdar://16389364 and on Open Radar.
Radar: Make Aztec and PDF417 Core Image generators public
There are 3 generators in Core Image for 2D barcodes, but only the one for creating QR codes is documented. So I filed a bug report suggesting that the documentation was “missing”. I also sent an email to the responsible Apple evangelist.
The response I got from Apple was that if something was not documented it is to be considered private. The bug report about adding the documentation for Aztec and PDF417 was closed.