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Category Archive for ‘Feedback’ rss

GeoCorder saves the day

Sometimes I hear from users of my apps and the ones I like to hear from the most are the happy ones. Here is one case of a happy customer that relates to my app for recording map paths: GeoCorder

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On the Future of Remote Working

I read an article by Michael Abrash on the Valve blog that he signed up with Valve to investigate Augmented Reality. At the end of his article he mentions that Valve is hiring.

This prompted me to send him the following long email. And as I like for my writing to not go to waste I am posting it here as well.

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DTCoreText Feedback

Always lovely to get Feedback for my work. Here’s a nice e-mail I got from Mustapha Ben Lechhab, a freelancer, who is successfully using DTCoreText to display arabic rich text and an embedded audio player.

DTCoreText lets you easily render HTML text (via NSAttributedString) in your apps without having to use UIWebView. The cool feature this guy used was that you can easily embed your own custom UIViews in the text, for playing an audio or video file.

In his own words …

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