
Our DNA is written in Swift


This project aims to duplicate the methods present on Mac OSX which allow creation of NSAttributedString from HTML code on iOS.

The project covers two broad areas:

  1. Layouting – Interfacing with CoreText, generating attributed strings from HTML code
  2. User Interface – UI-related classes render these objects, specifically DTAttributedTextView, DTAttributedLabel and DTAttributedTextCell.

This is useful for drawing simple rich text like any HTML document without having to use a UIWebView. For text selection and highlighting (as you might need for an Editor or Reader) there is the commercial DTRichTextEditor component which can be purchased in the Cocoanetics Parts Store.
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DTXMLRPC is a framework for communicating with XML-RPC services. Based on that it includes a wrapper for the WordPress API, allowing you to create blog posts and upload media files with very intuitive methods.

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Now updated for iPad

This component can be used whenever you want the look of yellow lined notepaper. There are several challenges that you need to overcome if you want your notepad’s look to closely resemble the built-in

The latest version comes in a demo to show how to use DTNotePadView in a universal app that runs on iPhone as well as iPad. Don’t waste time trying to put it all together yourself! Rather get the polished component including lifetime personal support from us.

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This component contains the functionality of the genstrings command line utility but in a static library that you can add to developer tools. It is used by our app Linguan for scanning source files for instances of the NSLocalizedString macros.

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DTDownload started out as a wrapper around NSURLConnection when I needed resumable file downloads for iCatalog. It has since grown into several parts. For file and image caching you can use DTDownloadCache, for queueing up a large number of downloads use DTDownloadQueue.

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This component allows you to get all the information fields from a X.509 certificate. You get DTCertificate to get the raw information as well as DTCertificateViewer which is a view controller modeled after the certificate viewer built into iOS. More details