
Our DNA is written in Swift


Safari uses the WebKit class WebArchive to transfer rich data from e.g. Safari. This project aims to give you the capability of accepting such pasteboard data in your apps. WebArchive and the related WebRessource classes are tightly coubled with WebKit and private. This project is a reverse-engineered class giving you the same functionality on iOS.

For example you could allow your users to copy something from a web page and paste it into your app preserving the formatting.

Open Source Software

This component is available as open source software, covered by a BSD 2-clause license. As such you can use it for free in your apps, even commercially. But you have to mention that your software makes use of this component inside your app.

You can purchase a “Non-Attribution License” via the Parts Store button so that you don’t have to attribute. This license costs 75 Euros.

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