
Our DNA is written in Swift

Radar: Add global prototype cells

If you like storyboards you might be wanting to use them for larger apps too. But there is source of frustration for us developers. If you have prototype cells that are identical on multiple table view controllers you cannot easily copy them. I filed a feature suggestion for adding global prototype cells.

Filed as rdar://16754279 and on Open Radar.

On larger story boards you’ll find yourself often trying to duplicate prototype cells that have the same look and same backing class. This feature suggestion is to add the capability to storyboard editor to design prototype cells in one place that can be reused throughout the entire storyboard.

This feature would greatly reduce developer stress trying to copy prototype cells between table view controllers in storyboard editor, this fails because the copied UI elements do not retain their constraints when being copied.

Categories: Bug Reports


  1. I agree this would be the perfect solution, but there is a nicer way to use dynamic prototypes with storyboards: have the dynamic cell as a separate XIB file, and load it in the view controller through `registerNib:for CellReuseIdentifier` You’ll be able to have the dynamic cell’s design in one place only.

  2. I was about to write almost exactly the same comment as @markonikolovski. In fact, I worked several months on a developers group that adopted this solution, and I must admit it was pretty clever, simple and (re)usable