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NovelRank App Shows Off DTChartView

Similar to us developers who keep scouring  sales rank information on sites like Applyzer there is a service for book authors. It goes by the name NovelRank and it lets authors track their book sales on

Dave Wooldrige from Electric Butterfly (also a renowned book author in the iOS sphere) took it upon himself to create a beautiful iPhone client for the NovelRank service and released this just today, for FREE.

I’m specifically mentioning this here on my blog because Dave implemented my DTChartView component to get interactive scrollable charts for the ranking data.

Dave needed what only DTChartView could offer: endless scrollable charts that he could adapt to the app’s unique style. It should integrate, not stick out like a sore thumb.

See for yourself, don’t they look beautiful?

In his own words, Dave describes the convenience of getting my component for this task:

Thanks for making DTChartView! It definitely saved me a lot of development time!  🙂
– Dave Wooldridge

This is the third major app making use of this part, the first one being Baby Bubbles and the second HandyEtat. Here are a couple more screen shots, all showing a customized DTChartView. The top view is the default look, the bottom one shows some customization.

DTChartView can do line charts, bar charts and charts with stacked bars, you can adjust the line colors, fill the area above and below the line with different gradients and you even get touch handling for when you want to show data point details via tapping.

Contrary to other chart components this one is meant to show a horizontally scrollable chart that gets dynamically drawn as your scroll, all super-smooth. This works because drawing is done on a CATiledLayer. You feed it by implementing a couple of delegate methods and you’re done!

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Categories: Parts


  1. What’s the advantage of DTChartView comparing to Tapku Library?

  2. It’s not a static chart, but works similar to UITableView with you providing as much data as you like and the chart showing just a part of it.