
Our DNA is written in Swift

Hey, I’m Famous!

A while ago I found myself mentioned on two sites as being popular. I wanted to document this for posterity.

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Radar: NSDataDetector Bug

This has been bugging me for quite some time, since some of my address book contacts are affected. NSDataDetector does not properly handle addresses which have more than 2 numbers with one slash.

Previously, this issue was compounded by another issue in the geocoder which would take the apartment number (instead of the street number) for determining the geographic position. To workaround this I had to add another address to some of my contacts that didn’t have the apartment number. This seems to have been fixed in iOS 8.3, but NSDataDetector is still broken.

Filed as rdar://20549548 and on Open RadarRead more

Make Money Socializing

Here’s a press release I’ve been working on. Awesome announcements from our startup ProductLayer!

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Recommended Reading

My publisher asked me which websites typical iOS developers are going to. So I asked my Twitter followers and compiled the results into this list.

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Implementing an In-App App Store

If you have an app like, which shows a timeline of user’s messages you probably want interactive hyperlinks. In two previous posts I showed how I am customizing UILabel to customize hyperlinks drawing, as well as how to make them react to touches. For most links a UIWebView will do to show the content.

But not for content that people can purchase and/or download from iTunes or the Apple App Store. For this, there is SKStoreProductViewController. This post shows how to implement it.

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Major Downtime

Today, Apple users and developers are experiencing some major downtime. Apple services are known to experience stability problems at times. And there is the occasional intentional downtime for the Apple store ahead of new products coming. But I don’t remember any time when that many systems were affected for such a long duration.

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Barcode Anecdotes

I’ve been collecting interesting stories of my fellow iOS developers related to Barcodes and iOS. Anecdotes are the spice of life. You might not think it possible, but this 40 year old technology is still good for many surprises.

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4 Radars: Percentage-driven Modal Transitions

I wanted to add a custom modal transition for the app when you tap on a thumbnail image. I wanted to make a tutorial about that as soon as understood interactive transitions, but stumbled over a couple of bugs.

Of these one I would consider quite severe and new as of iOS 8.3, which made it a show-stopper. As long as this bug is present I cannot add an interactive percent-driven dismissal transition to my app.

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Making App Previews

Last year, at WWDC 2014, Apple presented a cool new way how we can show off our brilliant apps to an unsuspecting audience. After working on the official app for the better part of 3 months, today I created and published my first app preview video. Here’s how.

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Proud Day

I am walking around with a proudly swelled chest. Apple has fixed a bug I filed almost 2 years ago.

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