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DTRichTextEditor 1.6.4

This is a maintenance update for DTRichTextEditor which includes several fixes for iOS 7. It also brings all the improvements from DTCoreText 1.6.8 into our commercial editing component.

DTRichTextEditor 1.6.4

  • FIXED: Backwards deleting of list prefixes broken due to a change in iOS 7
  • FIXED: A crash might occur if editing text while drawing of tiles was still going on
  • ADDED: Adjust bottom contentInset to avoid cutting of autocorrect prompt
  • CHANGED: Updated DTCoreText to 1.6.8
  • CHANGED: Updated DTLoupeView to 1.5.2

DTLoupeView 1.5.2

  • FIXED: On iOS 7 a light status bar content mode would revert to black
  • CHANGED: Updated podspec for building the resource bundle via new Cocoapods option

The one new feature is that the autocorrection bubble does no longer get cut off at the bottom of the screen. Instead we’re watching for it and if required adjust the bottom inset so that the text in the bubble stays visible.

Autocorrection bubble fix

In connection with lists there was some breakage introduced by iOS 7 because there Apple changed a minute detail in the -deleteBackward method. Before iOS 7 you were responsible to extend the selection backwards by one character if only the caret was showing. Beginning with iOS 7 the selection is extended for you. This caused the deletion to no longer skip a list prefix and you would be able to delete characters from the list prefix.

The other iOS 7 fix was occurring if you had a view controller causing the status bar text to be light. Since the loupe has its own window this would cause the status bar text to revert to black. The reason for this was that loupe window didn’t have a rootViewController set. So to fix that it is now setting that to the same as the target view’s window’s rootViewController.

Shout Out: NexusApp

We like to use the opportunity of a component release to highlight applications that use said components. This time we’d like to give a shout out to NexusApp, a free app for claiming to be a “one stop shop to organize your contacts, bookmarks, photos, notes, and activities”.

NexusApp uses DTRichTextEditor NexusApp using DTRichTextEditor

NexusApp makes use of DTRichTextEditor for the notes functionality. Developer Ren Liu wrote:

The software if very solid and comprehensive. It definitely greatly improves the note editing functionality in my App. And I’m looking forward to more future updates.

The updates mentioned in this blog post are free for licensees and available via private CocoaPods and tagged on the git repository. You can procure a development license on our parts store.

Categories: Updates


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