
Our DNA is written in Swift

DTCoreText 1.6.5

This is a maintenance release addressing several crashing problems.


  • FIXED: Crash encountering empty text block
  • FIXED: Crash encountering ARGB color in CSS
  • ADDED: More general support for CSS cascading
  • ADDED: Programming Guide
  • ADDED: Documentation for enums

There where some issues necessary that were still a knock on effect of changing the CSS attribute parsing in 1.6.3 to also return arrays for things like a comma-separated list of font families. This also caused the ARGB issue since there were also commas. While fixing this – again – Amro Mousa made the CSS cascading even more general.

Here’s a comparison of cascaded CSS attributes between Safari and DTCoreText.

Safari versus DTCoreText


Awesome work, Amro! Those look darn near identical to me. (see the pull request for the HTML behind this)

I needed to update the documentation to – finally! – include enums as AppleDoc supports them now. Since this couldn’t deal with the previous way I defined them I also changed them to be using Apple’s NS_ENUM macro to give them an underlying type.

 The drawing options for DTCoreTextLayoutFrame
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, DTCoreTextLayoutFrameDrawingOptions)
	 The default method for drawing draws links and attachments. Links are drawn non-highlighted
	DTCoreTextLayoutFrameDrawingDefault              = 1<<0,
	 Links are not drawn, e.g. if they are displayed via custom buttons
	DTCoreTextLayoutFrameDrawingOmitLinks            = 1<<1,
	 Text attachments are omitted from drawing, e.g. if they are displayed via custom views
	DTCoreTextLayoutFrameDrawingOmitAttachments      = 1<<2,
	 If links are drawn they are displayed with the highlighted variant
	DTCoreTextLayoutFrameDrawingDrawLinksHighlighted = 1<<3

This adds a new section in the documentation for the enums as well. And while I was at it I also added a programming guide document where I plan to add common programming examples when I need to explain something. I added the smoke test example from the setup guide and also added information about pre-loading the font override table to speed up the first layout of DTCoreText considerably.

The update is tagged on GitHub as well as available via CocoaPods.

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