
Our DNA is written in Swift

DTRichTextEditor 1.2

It’s been a while since I last blogged about the progress we are making on DTRichTextEditor, my rich text editor component for iOS. January saw many more licensees that ever before, people are just fed up with not being able to integrate rich text editing into their apps.

Selling many licenses also allows me to dedicate a great deal of time to improving and tuning the component. Now here is Version 1.2.

Inside DTRichTextEditor you get the beating heart of DTCoreText, which is responsible for parsing HTML, generating attributed strings, correctly displaying the attributed strings as well as generating HTML output for persisting the changes. Because of this I am also doing a new release version of DTCoreText. That brings this component to version 1.3.

I won’t bore you with the lengthly change log which can be browsed online. As development progresses in the source code repository I am frequently updating this log to document them. I also recently added a Known Issues file to document current limitations of the editor.

Rick exclaimed excitedly:

Not only did you fix this issue, look how nice all of these languages are displayed in the editor.  Now this, my friend, is one nice editor!

Various Languages

The major changes revolve around improving performance, keeping pace with improvements in DTCoreText, adding Retina-support for the selection loupe and fixing a plethora of problems.

As a goodie for other editor developers I integrated a dictation placeholder view into DTCoreText. This is used if you tap the dictation button and dictate your rich text to Siri. Of course the purple dots animate!

Dictation Placeholder

For developers the amount of available APIs and related documentation has increased massively. The number of helpful methods for manipulating the attributed text is ever growing. All this development is driven by the client needs who often approach me with specific requests that I try to fulfill as broadly as possible so that all users of this component benefit.

As a general rule I am adding appledoc-style comments to all new public APIs. Also – just today – I spent an entire day polishing up the APIs and adding documentation comments to all remaining classes. Because of this the complete documentation for DTRichTextEditor can be now be browsed online or installed in your Xcode Organizer via the Atom Feed URL.

You can purchase a license for the DTRichTextEditor in our parts store. If you have a pro bono app in mind that would benefit from this, then please inquire about

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  1. Thanks Mark, I fixed the links. We had moved all to a documentation server at